Camikara: India’s first luxury rum, which has the taste of the country’s soil

Camikara, India’s first pure cane juice rum: In India, if you ask people who are fond of drinking rum about their favorite brand, most of the people’s answer will probably be Old Monk. In a way, Old Monk has become synonymous with rum in India. But in the last few years, many more brands have come into the market and they have also become popular. One such brand is Camicara. This is India’s first rum made from pure sugarcane juice. Piccadilly Distilleries, the makers of Camicara, has set a benchmark for Indian rum and created history for India globally.

At the recently held Rum & Cachaça Masters 2024 competition, Camicara topped the Agricole Old Rum category with two golds and one silver. Camicara 12YO and 8YO won gold medals and Camicara 3YO won silver medal. Camicara is the only Indian brand to win the award among the finest rum and cachaça brands around the world.

What is the meaning of Camicara?
Going back to the historical roots, the oldest mention of wine production in India is found in the Rigveda, where “Sura” – an ancient spiritual elixir made from fermented grains and fruits – finds evidence in the Indus Valley Civilization around 2000 BC. This tradition, lost over the years, is now being revived with Camicara, India’s first pure sugarcane juice rum. Camicara means ‘liquid gold’ in Sanskrit.

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Inspired by the traditions of Punjab

The local liquor in Punjab is inspired by the age-old practice of distilling sugarcane juice to make Lahan, which aims to reclaim the heritage of regional traditions. Piccadilly Distilleries, the brains behind Camicara, sought to take this ancient tradition forward by incorporating advanced maturation techniques, presenting to the world a premium Indian rum that is a tribute to the local Lahan of Punjab.

Camicara is India’s first pure sugarcane juice rum.

Taste reminds of soil
According to ANI, on this achievement, Siddharth Sharma, Founder, Piccadilly Distilleries said, “We want to break the mentality that rum is a cheap drink. So we have produced India’s first pure sugarcane juice rum in the Agricole style made from fresh sugarcane juice with a taste reminiscent of our climate, soil and sugarcane. This rum is completely different from any global product. Camicara is a completely natural product with no added sugar.” In every sip of Camikara, one can taste not only the rich history, culture and tradition of India.

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India’s first luxury rum
India, the world’s largest sugarcane producer, had never produced a quality, luxury rum until the launch of Camicara. Although there are many brands available in the Indian market, they have always been at a nascent stage. A premium grade Indian rum capable of competing on the global stage and making India proud has never been researched. Camicara Rum is a celebration of the land, time, culture and people. Camicara was born for two reasons: to rediscover the past; And to pave the way for the future it truly has to be a ‘rum like no other’. Although its price is a little higher. The price of a 12 year old 750 ml bottle is around Rs 6200. Its price in Haryana is around Rs 6000.

Tags: alcohol, Holi, Holi celebration, liquor, wine, Wine lovers

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